Over 40 securities already tokenized

More funds for investment platforms.

NYALA supercharges you through tokenization. Issue digital securities at a low cost and raise your placement power with access to a vast network of investors.

Logo of company HADCLogo of company 21 Oaks CapitalLogo of company Myhouse AGLogo of company CoinIXLogo of company PenomoLogo of company BricksdockLogo of company CondaLogo of company HADCLogo of company 21 Oaks CapitalLogo of company Myhouse AGLogo of company CoinIXLogo of company PenomoLogo of company BricksdockLogo of company Conda

We help you convert traditional financial assets into digital securities using blockchain technology.

We simplify regulatory compliance and increase liquidity for issuers by giving them access to global markets.

Boost your fundraising

Reach a wider customer base

Tokenization opens doors to a larger pool of investors across the EU and enables fractional ownership, allowing individuals and institutions to invest more flexibly in SMEs.

Unlock investor liquidity

Tokenized bonds and stocks can be easily traded on secondary markets, creating additional revenue streams for your company and liquidity for your investors.

Save time and money

With our platform, you can issue securities in minutes, make it easier to accept investors, and automate cash payouts to investors.
Our tokenization solution is designed to make crowdfunding efficient, transparent, and scalable so you can connect with the right investors and unlock new growth opportunities.

Make your money go further: spend less on third parties

Reduce expensive custody fees

Tokenizing assets eliminates the need for traditional bank custody services, saving administration costs for raised funds.

Lower processing costs

Smart contracts process cash distributions directly, eliminating third-party fees and manual processes.

Streamline investor management

Tokenization enables real-time tracking and reduces administrative work, saving time and costs.

Discover why established companies use NYALA.

Book a call with one of our experts.
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European Blockchain Association logo, member, greyISO IEC 27001 certificate by TUV SUD, large, black and white
„Bester Full-Service-Anbieter für digitale Assets.

Invesdor ermöglicht KMU-Crowd-Finanzierung über einen modernen Investmentprozess. Wir nutzen die NYALA-Technologie, um digitale Anleihen auszugeben und zu speichern. Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit ihrem sehr erfahrenen und sehr serviceorientierten Team.“

Photo of Christopher Graetz

Christopher Grätz

CEO von Invesdor
Photo of Christopher Graetz
„Dank der NYALA konnten wir diese neue Anlageklasse [Krypto]

Als moderner und digitaler Finanzberater allokieren wir das Vermögen unserer Kunden auch in Kryptowährungen, und dank NYALA konnten wir das integrieren.“

Photo of Lars

L. Kalwitzke

Management Board Member at Digital Invest
Photo of Lars
„Wir sind der Meinung, dass NYALA ein ausgezeichnetes und leicht zu integrierendes Produkt ist.

Sie verfügen über ausgezeichnete Kenntnisse auf ihrem Gebiet, und wir sind mit der Zusammenarbeit sehr zufrieden. Wir freuen uns sehr auf ihre zukünftigen Veröffentlichungen, die es uns ermöglichen werden, Sekundärhandel zu betreiben und unserer Konkurrenz einen Schritt voraus zu sein“.

Photo ot Sascha Kubisch

S. Kubisch

Co-founder & CTO
Photo ot Sascha Kubisch
„NYALA bietet einzigartige Funktionen.

Die Funktionen, die NYALA entwickelt hat, sind einzigartig auf dem Markt, da sie die Anforderungen von regulierten Institutionen an die bankmäßige Verwahrung von Kryptowährungen erfüllen.“

Photo of Simon Seiter

S. Seiter

Head of Digital Assets
Photo of Simon Seiter

Start tokenizing in just a few days

Stylized bar and pie charts, purple and white

Integrate with NYALA

Connect your existing platform and interface to NYALA's tokenization engine via API for easy setup or use our web portal.

Stylized navigation bar and password fields, purple and white

Automate onboarding

Streamline the onboarding process for investors with automated wallet openings.


Distribute tokens

Issue tokens to investors via our web app or API to minimize manual effort.

Case study

Invesdor issued more than €30 million in tokenized bonds

Go to Case Study
A man and a woman in an office, standing and looking at a laptop
The problem
Invesdor needed to reduce costs associated with issuing securities listed on the platform — in this case corporate bonds.
What they did
With NYALA's tokenization solution, Invesdor successfully enabled the issuance, distribution and custody of tokenized bonds.
How they did it
Invesdor integrated its user-oriented platform into the NYALA engine via an API in less than 2 weeks, requiring just a single engineer.
Investor wallets
Tokenized projects
Total value of tokens

Discover NYALA's solutions to meet your needs

Book a call with our expert

Photo of Celina Homps

Celina Homps

Business Development Manager